By Eddy Port In CocktailsPosted June 30, 2017Twinings Indian Voyage ChaiServes: 2 300ml Indian chai tea, brewed and cooled 300ml ginger ale 45ml – 90ml ginger liqueur (optional) Fresh lavender Fresh mint Fresh ginger Ice to serve Method: Fill the glasses with ice. [...] READ MORE
By Eddy Port In CocktailsPosted June 30, 2017Twinings Pure Rooibos with “naartjie” and honeyServes: 2 300ml rooibos tea, brewed and cooled 300ml lemonade 30ml honey 20ml naartjie rind 45ml to 90ml citrus liqueur (optional) Ice to serve Thyme to serve Method: Fill glasses with ice. Mix [...] READ MORE
By Eddy Port In Recipes, Twinings 1Posted June 7, 2017Twinings Four Red Fruits with sorbetServes: 2 READ MORE